Just Say So
Cherished 割爱
MOOV Live 2013 蔡健雅
Just Say So
My Space Live Concer...
Goodbye & Hello
Close To 蔡健雅 Orig...
T.time 新歌+精选
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 蔡健雅 / 失语者
我的虚荣 我的词穷 尴尬面孔
委屈笑容 怎么不同 唯有你懂
异类的同类 眼泪和汗水
快乐或颓废 只为有你陪
你我同属 一种生物
用肌肤 掩饰住 真面目
你是谁不清楚 默契确认无误
好无助 好可恶 在何处
@R_230_3668@n’t know where to fInd YoU 唉
@R_230_3668@n’t know where to fInd YoU 唉
I’ll fInd YoU fInd YoU
I’ll fInd YoU fInd YoU
城市牢笼 无所适从 寂寞怂恿
总会相逢 与我相同 相同品种
异类的同类 你会是结尾
快乐或颓废 只为这一回
AddItIonal recordIng -
DrUms PercUssIon: QUInn
Recorded at NRG StUdIo, North HollYwood, CA
EngIneered: KYle Hoffmann
MIXed bY RIchard FUrch at the mIXHaUs stUdIos, Los Angeles
AssIsted bY Jorel CorpUs
Vocals and backgroUnd vocals recorded bY TanYa @TangY StUdIo, TaIpeI
Mastered bY John DavIs @MetropolIs StUdIos, London, UK
OP· FUnkIe MonkIes ProdUctIons / TangY MUsIc PUblIshIng
SP· Warner/Chappell MUsIc TaIwan Ltd.
ISRC TWJ011500301
委屈笑容 怎么不同 唯有你懂
异类的同类 眼泪和汗水
快乐或颓废 只为有你陪
你我同属 一种生物
用肌肤 掩饰住 真面目
你是谁不清楚 默契确认无误
好无助 好可恶 在何处
@R_230_3668@n’t know where to fInd YoU 唉
@R_230_3668@n’t know where to fInd YoU 唉
I’ll fInd YoU fInd YoU
I’ll fInd YoU fInd YoU
城市牢笼 无所适从 寂寞怂恿
总会相逢 与我相同 相同品种
异类的同类 你会是结尾
快乐或颓废 只为这一回
AddItIonal recordIng -
DrUms PercUssIon: QUInn
Recorded at NRG StUdIo, North HollYwood, CA
EngIneered: KYle Hoffmann
MIXed bY RIchard FUrch at the mIXHaUs stUdIos, Los Angeles
AssIsted bY Jorel CorpUs
Vocals and backgroUnd vocals recorded bY TanYa @TangY StUdIo, TaIpeI
Mastered bY John DavIs @MetropolIs StUdIos, London, UK
OP· FUnkIe MonkIes ProdUctIons / TangY MUsIc PUblIshIng
SP· Warner/Chappell MUsIc TaIwan Ltd.
ISRC TWJ011500301