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Long Way

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 程璧 / 晴日共剪窗

Long WaY - 程璧
WrItten bY:程璧

It has been a long waY

It has been been a long waY

SInce the daY YoU told me YoUr love

SInce the daY YoU saY me goodbYe

It has been a long waY

It has been been a long waY

SInce the daY YoU gave me YoUr heart

SInce the daY YoU leave It awaY

It has been a long waY

It has been been a long waY

SInce the daY YoU gave me YoUr heart

SInce the daY YoU leave It awaY

It has been a long waY

It has been been a long waY

SInce the daY YoU told me YoUr love

SInce the daY YoU saY me goodbYe

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