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Love In Your Eyes

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 陈淑桦 / Miracle of Love
I feel a presence In the aIr of somethIng specIal
somethIng rare.
Love In YoUr eYes Is the Reason whY
HoldIng the secret's a certaIn prIze.
Love In YoUr eYes Is the flame
that makes me feel so warm Inside.
Were sIlent wIshes to be heard
It woUld eXpress that sIngle word.
Love In YoUr eYes Is the Reason whY . . .
It sUddenlY takes YoU bY the hand
And leads YoU throUgh the promIsed land.
Is thIs reallY happenIng to me and YoU?
A tho@R_577_3952@nd words coUld not descrIbe
thIs precIoUs waY I feel alIve.
Love In YoUr eYes Is the Reason whY . . .
BUIld YoUr love on a strong foUndatIon
And YoU wIll feel the sweet sensatIon -
And YoU wIll feel the sweet sensatIon -
And YoU wIll feel the sweet sensatIon -
And YoU wIll feel the sweet sensatIon.

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Give Me Peace On Earth
Can't Help Falling In Love