- 明年今日
- 与我常在
- 天下无双
- 演唱会
- 第五个现代化
- 落花流水
- 黄金时代
- 淘汰
- 粤语残片
- 低等动物
- 浮夸
- 葡萄成熟时
- 月球上的人
- 冲口而出
- 打回原形
- 我不好爱
- Crying in the Party
- 热岛小夜曲
- Dance Mix: Shall We Dance / 伤信 / 幸福摩天轮...
- 黑择明
- 是但求其爱(单曲)
- Fight as ONE
- L.O.V.E&...
- C'mon in~
- 海胆 & 谁来剪月光
- 放 (Budweiser EDM Re...
- 放&披风
- 四季
- I Do
- 在这个世界相遇
- Sleep Alone
- 陪你度过漫长岁月
- 恐龙进化论
- 准备中
- 无条件唱陈奕迅
- 暴风雨
What a Wonderful World
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈奕迅 / Eason's Moving On Stage 1
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and YoU
And I thInk to mYself what a wonderfUl world.
I see skIes of blUe and cLouds of whIte
The brIght blessed daY, the dark sacred nIght
And I thInk to mYself what a wonderfUl world.
The Colors of the raInbow so prettY In the skY
Are also on the faces of people goIng bY
I see frIends shakIng hands saYIng how do YoU do
TheY're reallY saYIng I love YoU.
I hear babIes crYIng, I watch them grow
TheY'll learn mUch more than I'll never know
And I thInk to mYself what a wonderfUl world
Yes I thInk to mYself what a wonderfUl world
I see them bloom for me and YoU
And I thInk to mYself what a wonderfUl world.
I see skIes of blUe and cLouds of whIte
The brIght blessed daY, the dark sacred nIght
And I thInk to mYself what a wonderfUl world.
The Colors of the raInbow so prettY In the skY
Are also on the faces of people goIng bY
I see frIends shakIng hands saYIng how do YoU do
TheY're reallY saYIng I love YoU.
I hear babIes crYIng, I watch them grow
TheY'll learn mUch more than I'll never know
And I thInk to mYself what a wonderfUl world
Yes I thInk to mYself what a wonderfUl world
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