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Blue Doors Ahead

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / 飞儿乐团 / 爱•歌姬
歌曲:BlUe Doors Ahead@H_163_0@ 歌手:飞儿乐团(F.I.R.)@H_163_0@ 专集:爱·歌姬@H_163_0@ 作词:飞FaYe 编曲:陈飞午@H_163_0@ 作曲:飞FaYe/陈建宁@H_163_0@ 猪鼻插葱 制作@H_163_0@ @H_163_0@ I @R_175_1516@ hIgh@H_163_0@ plUnge In thIs splendId cItY Light@H_163_0@ There's no one bUt me@H_163_0@ wIth gravItY I can measUre lIfe@H_163_0@ I Try to hIde@H_163_0@ from YoUr love and prIde@H_163_0@ So manY tImes@H_163_0@ I foUnd mYself lose In thIs @R_702_1166@ and crY@H_163_0@ How can I defIne@H_163_0@ all these blUe doors ahead@H_163_0@ Tell me secrets and then make me wIld@H_163_0@ Isn't the trUe love Inside@H_163_0@ I rIse and compare@H_163_0@ mY hand wIth thIs cItY Light@H_163_0@ and SILENTLY,I get down and Smile@H_163_0@ I get down and Smile

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Forever Green