- Overture + I Am Ready
- Jade Meets East(完舞曲+乱了情人+蜻蜓+剑尖碰上...
- 负担不起
- 无罪释放
- 考验
- 假使我漂亮
- 接受现实
- 转
- 踩钢线
- Lady Marmalade+I Feel The Earth Move+That...
- 优先订座
- 手下败将
- 你令我快乐过
- 同是寂寞人
- The Game of Love
- Can't Get You Out Of My Head
- White Flay
- Without You
- 我太强
- 放生
- 爱的告别式
- 腍
- 时刻
- Lost And Found
- 空心人
- 关家姐
- 发条橙
- Jade Sings 关心妍演唱...
- 挪亚方舟惊世启示2
- A New Beginning
- 妍亮 SHINE
- 最爱 jade i
- 得意妹
- Lost & Found
- Jade Loves...
- The 5Th Element
I Believe In Music
I belIeve In love, love, love!
Well I can jUst sIt aroUnd makIn' mUsIc all daY long,
Long as I'm makIn' mUsIc, I can't do noBody no wrong!
And who knows maYbe somedaY I'll come Up wIth a song,
That makes people want to stop theIr fUssIn' an' fIghtIn'
MUsIc Is love, love Is mUsIc, If YoU know what I mean,
People who belIeve In mUsIc are the happIest people I've ever seen!
So clap YoUr hands an' stomp YoUr feet, shake YoUr tamboUrIne,
( LIft YoUr voIces to the skY )God loves YoU when YoU sIng!
更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网
MUsIc Is the UnIversal langUage and love Is @R_816_1835@,
To brotherhood an' peace an' UnderstandIn'to lIve In harmonY!
So, take YoUr brothers bY the hand and sIng along wIth me,
《I Believe In Music》歌词由查歌词收集整理
I Am Ready(Studio Version)