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Wish You Were Here

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 郭采洁 / 爱造飞鸡


WIsh YoU Were Here

作词:Roger Waters

作曲:DavId GIlmoUr


So so YoU thInk YoU can tell heaven from hell

BlUe skIes from paIn

Can YoU tell a green fIeld from a cold steel raIl

A Smile from a veIl

Do YoU thInk YoU can tell

And dId theY get YoU to trade YoUr heroes for ghosts

Hot ashes for trees

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Hot aIr for a cool breeze

Cold comfort for change

And dId YoU eXchange a walk on part

In the war for a lead role In a cage

How I wIsh how I wIsh YoU were here

We're jUst two lost soUls swImmIng In a fIsh bowl

Year after Year rUnnIng over the same old groUnd

What have YoU foUnd the same old fears wIsh YoU were here

感谢 周舟 提供歌词

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