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Hello Darling

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 黄莺莺 / 黄莺莺精选2

What I'm TryIng to saY Is I @R_923_981@ And I mIss YoU
And I'm so sorrY that I dId YoU wrong

Hold me darlIng let me kIss YoU

JUst for old tIme's sake
Let me hold YoU In mY arms one more tIme

Thank YoU darlIng maY god bless YoU

And maY each step YoU take brIng closer
To the thIngs YoU seek to fInd

GoodbYe darlIng gotta go now

Gotta Try and fInd a waY
To lose these Memories of love
StIll warm and trUe And If YoU shoUld ever fInd
That In YoUr heart to forgIve me

Come back darlIng I'll be waItIng for YoU

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Hopelessly Devoteo To You
End Of The World