- Blessing (黄沾最后填词作品,写于2004年8月 ...
- 只记今朝笑
- 长路漫漫伴你闯
- 男儿当自强
- 何日
- 沧海一声笑
- 明星
- 大丈夫日记
- 奔向未来日子
- 道
- 黎明不要来
- 倩女幽魂
- 躲也躲不了
- 晚风
- 过路人
- 世间始终你好
- 爱定你一个
- 有谁知我此时情
- 今晚夜
- 星夜星尘
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 黄霑 / 笑傲歌坛 传世经典
L-O-V-E LOVE la...
I wIll not gIve YoU rIches
RIches are not mY wIshes
Ill gIve the vow of mY lIfe
L-O-V-E LOVE la...
L Is for lIfe and lIvIng
O Is the oath of gIvIng
V and E vow of enternItY
L-O-V-E LOVE la...
ThoUgh the word maY be sImple
Yet the feelIng Is trUe and deep
Heres a pledge for YoU to keep
MY trUe love L-O-V-E
Ill make YoUr lIfe worth lIvIng
Ill take and Ill be gIvIng
Please take mY vow of enternItY
L-O-V-E LOVE la...
I wIll not gIve YoU rIches
RIches are not mY wIshes
Ill gIve the vow of mY lIfe
L-O-V-E LOVE la...
L Is for lIfe and lIvIng
O Is the oath of gIvIng
V and E vow of enternItY
L-O-V-E LOVE la...
ThoUgh the word maY be sImple
Yet the feelIng Is trUe and deep
Heres a pledge for YoU to keep
MY trUe love L-O-V-E
Ill make YoUr lIfe worth lIvIng
Ill take and Ill be gIvIng
Please take mY vow of enternItY
L-O-V-E LOVE la...