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And I Love You So

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 黎明 /
and Yes I know how lonelY lIfe can be
the shadows folLow me
and the nIght won't set me free
bUt I don't let the evenIng get me down
now that YoU're aroUnd me
and YoU love me too
YoUr thoUghts are jUst for me
YoU set mY spIrIt free
I'm @R_573_2490@ that YoU do
the book of lIfe Is brIeve
and once a page Is read
all bUt love Is dead
that Is mY belIef
and Yes I know how loveless lIfe can be
the shadows folLow me
and the nIght won't set me free
bUt I don't let the evenIng brIng me dow
now that YoU're aroUnd me

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