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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林凡 / 非爱不可


@H_162_0@作词:TorI Amos

@H_162_0@作曲:TorI Amos

@H_162_0@编曲:MartIn Tang

@H_162_0@原唱:TorI Amos

@H_162_0@Snow can waIt

@H_162_0@I forgot mY mIttens

@H_162_0@WIpe mY nose

@H_162_0@Get mY new boots on

@H_162_0@I get a lIttle warm In mY heart

@H_162_0@When I thInk of wInter

@H_162_0@I pUt mY hand In mY father's glove

@H_162_0@I rUn off where the drIfts get deeper

@H_162_0@SleepIng beaUtY trIps me wIth a frown

@H_162_0@I hear a voIce

@H_162_0@'YoU mUst learn to @R_538_1516@ for YoUrself

@H_162_0@CaUse I can't alYwaYs be aroUnd'

@H_162_0@He saYs

@H_162_0@when YoU gonna make Up YoUr mInd

@H_162_0@When YoU gonna love YoU as mUch as I Do

@H_162_0@When YoU gonna make Up YoUr mInd

@H_162_0@CaUse thIngs are gonna change

@H_162_0@so fast

@H_162_0@All the whIte horses are stIll In bed

@H_162_0@I tell YoU that I'll alwaYs want YoU near

@H_162_0@YoU saY that thIngs change mY dear

@H_162_0@BoYs get dIscovered as wInter melts

@H_162_0@FLowers competIng for the sUn

@H_162_0@Years go bY and I'm here stIll waItIng

@H_162_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网

@H_162_0@WItherIng where some snowman was

@H_162_0@MIrror mIrror where's the crYstal palace

@H_162_0@BUt I Only can see mYself

@H_162_0@skatIng aroUnd the trUth

@H_162_0@who I am

@H_162_0@BUt I know, dad, the Ice Is gettIng thIn

@H_162_0@When YoU gonna make Up YoUr mInd

@H_162_0@When YoU gonna love YoU as mUch as I Do

@H_162_0@When YoU gonna make Up YoUr mInd

@H_162_0@CaUse thIngs are gonna change so fast

@H_162_0@All the whIte horses are stIll In bed

@H_162_0@I tell YoU that I'll alwaYs want YoU near

@H_162_0@YoU saY that thIngs change mY dear

@H_162_0@HaIr Is greY and the fIres are bUrnIng

@H_162_0@So manY dreams on the shelf

@H_162_0@YoU saY I wanted YoU to be proUd of me

@H_162_0@I alwaYs wanted that mYself

@H_162_0@When YoU gonna make Up YoUr mInd

@H_162_0@When YoU gonna love YoU as mUch as I Do

@H_162_0@When YoU gonna make Up YoUr mInd

@H_162_0@CaUse thIngs are gonna change so fast

@H_162_0@All the whIte horses have gone ahead

@H_162_0@I tell YoU that I'll alwaYs want YoU near

@H_162_0@YoU saY that thIngs change mY dear

@H_162_0@Never change

@H_162_0@All the whIte horses


Bizarre Love Triangle
Foolish Beat