Close to You
Kiss Me
You Light Up My Life
Time After Time
Bizarre Love Triangle
Foolish Beat
I Miss You
Both Sides Now
Colors of the wind
Time After Time
You Light Up My Life
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林凡 / 非爱不可
作词:Joe Brooks
作曲:Joe Brooks
编曲:Shah TahIr
原唱:DebbY Boone
So manY nIghts I'd sIt bY mY wIndow
WaItIng for @R_594_1575@ to sIng me hIs song
So manY dreams I kept deep Inside me
Alone In the dark bUt now YoU've come along
YoU Light Up mY daYs and fIll mY nIghts wIth song
RollIn' at sea, adrIft on the water
更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网
CoUld It be fInallY I'm tUrnIn' for home?
FInallY a chance to saY 'HeY, I love YoU'
Never agaIn to be all alone
'caUse YoU, YoU Light Up mY lIfe
YoU Light Up mY daYs and fIll mY nIghts wIth song
It can't be wrong
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Time After Time
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Time After Time