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Talk 1

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林忆莲 / 最爱林忆莲97演唱会
ColdPlay - Talk@H_723_0@ Robert (specIal for 葛涛)@H_723_0@ oh brother I can't, I can't get throUgh@H_723_0@ I've been TryIng hard to meet YoU@H_723_0@ 'caUse I Don't know what to do@H_723_0@ oh brother I can't belIeve It's trUe@H_723_0@ I'm so scared aboUt the fUtUre and I wanna talk To You@H_723_0@ oh I wanna talk To You@H_723_0@ YoU can take a pIctUre of somethIng YoU see@H_723_0@ In the fUtUre where wIll I be?@H_723_0@ YoU can clImb a ladder Up to the sUn@H_723_0@ or a wrIte a song noBody has sUng@H_723_0@ or do somethIng that's never been done@H_723_0@ are YoU lost or Incomplete?@H_723_0@ do YoU feel lIke a pUzzle@H_723_0@ YoU can't fInd YoUr mIssIng pIece?@H_723_0@ tell me how do YoU feel?@H_723_0@ well I feel lIke theY're talkIng In a langUage I Don't speak@H_723_0@ and theY're talkIng It to me@H_723_0@ so YoU take a pIctUre of somethIng YoU see@H_723_0@ In the fUtUre where wIll I be?@H_723_0@ YoU can clImb a ladder Up to the sUn@H_723_0@ or a wrIte a song noBody has sUng@H_723_0@ or do somethIng that's never been done@H_723_0@ or do somethIng that's never been done@H_723_0@ *Atom Clan Forever...@H_723_0@ *CDK,OlIver,mofo,Splash...@H_723_0@ *CoUnter-StrIke Forever!@H_723_0@ so YoU don't know where YoU're goIng@H_723_0@ and YoU wanna talk@H_723_0@ and YoU feel lIke YoU're goIng where YoU've been before@H_723_0@ YoU tell anYone who'll lIsten bUt YoU feel Ignored@H_723_0@ nothIng's reallY makIng anY sense at all, let's talk@H_723_0@ let's talk, let's talk, let's talk...

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Medley: 灰色的逃脱 / 非爱不可 / 再生恋 / 匆匆 / 你是我胸口永远的痛