What A Wonderful World
I Swear
The Rose
You Don't Bring Me Flowers
Daddy's Home
If You Don't Know Me By Now
When Can I See You
Take A Bow
Seasons Of Love
In Another Life
Cuts Both Ways
Because You Loved Me
梦了. 疯了. 倦了
Sandy精选 DSD Collec...
金碟铁盒珍藏系列 - 林...
放纵 (K2HD)
Ready (Sony BMG 经典...
激情 (Sony经典系列)
新装忆莲 (Sony经典系...
灰色 (K2HD)
Ready (K2HD)
林忆莲 (Sony经典系列...
忆莲意乱情迷1991 ...
陪着我走 In ...
依然… 林忆莲
Seasons Of Love
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林忆莲 / The Story Of Sandy Lam So Far
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
SIX HUndred MInUtes
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
Moments So Dear
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
SIX HUndred MInUtes
How Do YoU MeasUre - MeasUre A Year?
In DaYLights - In SUnsets
In MIdnIghts - In CUps Of Coffee
In Inches - In MIles
In LaUghter - In StrIfe
In - FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
SIX HUndred MInUtes
How Do YoU MeasUre
A Year In The LIfe
How AboUt Love?
How AboUt Love?
How AboUt Love?
MeasUre In Love
Seasons Of Love
Seasons Of Love
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
SIX HUndred MInUtes
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
JoUrneYs To Plan
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
SIX HUndred MInUtes
How Do YoU MeasUre The LIfe
Of A Woman Or A Man?
In TrUths That She Learned
Or In TImes That He CrIed
In BrIdges He BUrned
Or The WaY That She DIed
It's TIme Now - To SIng OUt
Tho' The StorY Never Ends
Let's Celebrate
Remember A Year In The LIfe Of FrIends
Remember The Love
Remember The Love
Remember The Love
MeasUre In Love
MeasUre, MeasUre YoUr LIfe In Love
Seasons Of Love...
Seasons Of Love
SIX HUndred MInUtes
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
Moments So Dear
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
SIX HUndred MInUtes
How Do YoU MeasUre - MeasUre A Year?
In DaYLights - In SUnsets
In MIdnIghts - In CUps Of Coffee
In Inches - In MIles
In LaUghter - In StrIfe
In - FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
SIX HUndred MInUtes
How Do YoU MeasUre
A Year In The LIfe
How AboUt Love?
How AboUt Love?
How AboUt Love?
MeasUre In Love
Seasons Of Love
Seasons Of Love
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
SIX HUndred MInUtes
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
JoUrneYs To Plan
FIve HUndred TwentY-FIve ThoUSAnd
SIX HUndred MInUtes
How Do YoU MeasUre The LIfe
Of A Woman Or A Man?
In TrUths That She Learned
Or In TImes That He CrIed
In BrIdges He BUrned
Or The WaY That She DIed
It's TIme Now - To SIng OUt
Tho' The StorY Never Ends
Let's Celebrate
Remember A Year In The LIfe Of FrIends
Remember The Love
Remember The Love
Remember The Love
MeasUre In Love
MeasUre, MeasUre YoUr LIfe In Love
Seasons Of Love...
Seasons Of Love
《Seasons Of Love》歌词由查歌词收集整理
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In Another Life
Take A Bow下一个歌词
In Another Life