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You Don't Bring Me Flowers

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林忆莲 / The Story Of Sandy Lam So Far
YoU Don't BrIng Me FLower - @R_646_3916@@H_716_0@ SandY: YoU don't brIng me fLowers@H_716_0@ YoU don't sIng me love songs@H_716_0@ AleX: YoU hardlY talk to me Anymore@H_716_0@ When I come the door at the end of the daY@H_716_0@ SandY: I remember when@H_716_0@ YoU coUldn't waIt to love me@H_716_0@ YoU Used to hate to leave me now after lovIng meLate at nIght@H_716_0@ AleX: Well It's good for YoU ladY and YoU're feelIn' alrIght@H_716_0@ SandY: Well jUst Roll over and tUrn oUt the Light@H_716_0@ And YoU don't brIng me fLowers Anymore@H_716_0@ AleX: YoU Used to be so natUral(S: Used to be)@H_716_0@ And talk aboUt Forever@H_716_0@ BUt Used to be's don't coUnt Anymore@H_716_0@ TheY jUst laY on the floor tIll we swept them awaY@H_716_0@ SandY:BabY I remember all the thIngs YoU taUght me@H_716_0@ AleX: I learn how to laUgh and I learn how to crY@H_716_0@ SandY:Well I learn how to laUgh and I learn how to lIe@H_716_0@ A+S: (So YoU thInk I coUld learn how to tell YoU goodbYe)@H_716_0@ ( how to tell YoU goodbYe)@H_716_0@ SandY:YoU don't brIng me fLowers Anymore@H_716_0@ (Well YoU thInk I coUld learn how to tell YoU goodbYe)@H_716_0@ AleX: YoU don't saY YoU need me@H_716_0@ SandY:YoU don't sIng me love songs@H_716_0@ A+S: YoU don't brIng me fLowers Anymore

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