2016 鹿晗 重启 Reloa...
2016 鹿晗 重启 Reloa...
2016 鹿晗 重启 Reloa...
Lost Star
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 鹿晗 / 2016 鹿晗 重启 Reloaded 巡回演唱会 北京站
WrItten bY:Gregg AleXander / DanIelle BrIseboIs / NIck LashleY / NIck SoUthwood
Please don't see
JUst a boY caUght Up In dreams and fantasIes
Please see me
ReachIng oUt for @R_604_1575@
I can't see
Take mY hand let's see
Where we wake Up Tomorrow
Best laId plans
SometImes are jUst a one nIght stand
I'll be damned CUpId's demandIng back hIs arrow
So let's get drUnk on oUr tears
And God tell Us the Reason YoUth
Is wasted on the YoUng
It's hUntIng season and the lambs are on the rUn
SearchIng for meanIng
BUt are we all lost stars TryIng
To Light Up the dark
Who are we
JUst a speck of dUst wIthIn the galaXY
Who Is me
If we're not carefUl tUrns Into realItY
Don't YoU dare
Let oUr best Memories brIng YoU sorrow
YesterdaY I saw a lIon kIss a deer
TUrn the page maYbe
We'll fInd a brand new endIng
Where we're dancIng In oUr tears
And God tell Us the Reason YoUth
Is wasted on the YoUng
It's hUntIng season
And the lambs are on the rUn
SearchIng for meanIng
Are we all lost stars TryIng
To Light Up the dark
And I thoUght
I saw YoU oUt there crYIng oohoo
And I thoUght
I heard YoU call mY name Yeah YaY YaY
And I thoUght
I heard YoU oUt there crYIng
Oh jUst the same
Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
God tell Us the Reason YoUth
Is wasted on the YoUng
It's hUntIng season
And the lambs are on the rUn
SearchIng for meanIng
BUt are we all lost stars TryIng
To Light Up the dark
Please don't see
JUst a boY caUght Up In dreams and fantasIes
Please see me
ReachIng oUt for @R_604_1575@
I can't see
Take mY hand let's see
Where we wake Up Tomorrow
Best laId plans
SometImes are jUst a one nIght stand
I'll be damned CUpId's demandIng back hIs arrow
So let's get drUnk on oUr tears
And God tell Us the Reason YoUth
Is wasted on the YoUng
It's hUntIng season and the lambs are on the rUn
SearchIng for meanIng
BUt are we all lost stars TryIng
To Light Up the dark
Who are we
JUst a speck of dUst wIthIn the galaXY
Who Is me
If we're not carefUl tUrns Into realItY
Don't YoU dare
Let oUr best Memories brIng YoU sorrow
YesterdaY I saw a lIon kIss a deer
TUrn the page maYbe
We'll fInd a brand new endIng
Where we're dancIng In oUr tears
And God tell Us the Reason YoUth
Is wasted on the YoUng
It's hUntIng season
And the lambs are on the rUn
SearchIng for meanIng
Are we all lost stars TryIng
To Light Up the dark
And I thoUght
I saw YoU oUt there crYIng oohoo
And I thoUght
I heard YoU call mY name Yeah YaY YaY
And I thoUght
I heard YoU oUt there crYIng
Oh jUst the same
Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
God tell Us the Reason YoUth
Is wasted on the YoUng
It's hUntIng season
And the lambs are on the rUn
SearchIng for meanIng
BUt are we all lost stars TryIng
To Light Up the dark
《Lost Star 》歌词由查歌词收集整理
时间停了(The Moment)
超级冠军 (Football Gang)
勋章 (Medals)
海底 (Deep)
原动力 (The Inner Force)
如果 (What if I said)
封印 (Excited)
心率 (Like a Dream)
致爱(Your Song)
某时某刻 (Catch me when I fall)
时差 (On call)
微白城市 (Winter Song)
诺言( Promises)
有点儿意思 (That Good Good)
敢 (Roleplay)
夜行记 (Say it)
触发 (Set it off)
冒险时间 (Adventure Time)
零界点 (On fire)
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