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Be Mine

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 罗艺恒 / Be Mine
词:罗艺恒 曲:罗艺恒@H_516_0@ 中文词:贡忆 导演:贡忆@H_516_0@ 视频制作:新西兰麒麟视觉@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ 《Be MIne》@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ 为什么你又为浪费了时间@H_516_0@ 第次“再见”@H_516_0@ 又说“抱歉”@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ 你哭着说偷偷约会别的女孩@H_516_0@ 但言巧语俘虏你的爱@H_516_0@ 为何你总爱上的男孩@H_516_0@ 如此简单又单纯的答案@H_516_0@ 却让你左右为难 让我困惑不明白@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ BabY, babY, If YoU were wIth me It’s trUe,@H_516_0@ I woUld be YoUr@H_516_0@ One and Only lover when the daY Is throUgh@H_516_0@ KIss me, KIss me, Try It and I gUarantee@H_516_0@ EverYthIng wIll be alrIght, so gIrl,@H_516_0@ Leave hIm behInd and be mIne!@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ So walk awaY and spend a daY wIth me@H_516_0@ And hold a hand that wIll care for YoU, be there for YoU.@H_516_0@ When tImes get toUgh I wIll smooth oUt the roUgh.@H_516_0@ All I want Is YoUr Smile cas I coUld never get enoUgh@H_516_0@ Of YoU, I can see It so clear@H_516_0@ YoU and me Together, no matter the weather, whenever, cas I know, from when I look In YoUr eYes.@H_516_0@ 你就是我想要的女孩@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ ChorUs@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ Oh I’m readY to be everYthIng YoU need.@H_516_0@ 所以现在是你抉择的时刻@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ ©2014 CopYrIght bY M.SICK MedIa StUdIo (New Zealand) Ltd.

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