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歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 毛不易 / 平凡的一天













被这风吹散的人 说爱得不深@H_578_1@

被这雨淋湿的人 说不会冷@H_578_1@


它写进眼里 不敢承认@H_578_1@





被这风吹散的人 说爱得不深@H_578_1@

被这雨淋湿的人 说不会冷@H_578_1@


它写进眼里 不敢承认@H_578_1@

可是啊总有那风 吹不散的认真@H_578_1@

总有大雨 也不能抹去的泪痕@H_578_1@

有一天太阳会升起 在某个清晨@H_578_1@

一道彩虹 两个人@H_578_1@




✨[EnglIsh LYrIc]bY Google Translate@H_578_1@

Borrow a mIdnIght street, dIm Light@H_578_1@

IllUmInate a paIr of people on the road@H_578_1@

Borrow an Inch and three daYs, 冽冽 warm sUn@H_578_1@

Melt the bones of thIs world@H_578_1@

Borrow an ancIent rIver water@H_578_1@

WIth the shakIng candle, Drifting Into the dIstance@H_578_1@

Borrow a melodY In the past@H_578_1@

GentlY sIng thIs can't be saId@H_578_1@

The person who was b@R_166_3853@n awaY bY the wInd saId that he dId not love deeplY.@H_578_1@

The person who was wet bY the raIn saId he woUld not be cold@H_578_1@

How manY people wIll be covered In the boUndless nIght?@H_578_1@

It Is wrItten In the eYe, he can't admIt It.@H_578_1@

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_578_1@

Lend a toUch of goodbYe to the evenIng sUn@H_578_1@

Add a Light to thIs long lIfe@H_578_1@

Borrow an eXcUse to come to Japan@H_578_1@

If YoU have to have each sIde@H_578_1@

The person who was b@R_166_3853@n awaY bY the wInd saId that he dId not love deeplY.@H_578_1@

The person who was wet bY the raIn saId he woUld not be cold@H_578_1@

How manY people wIll be covered In the boUndless nIght?@H_578_1@

It Is wrItten In the eYe, he can't admIt It.@H_578_1@

BUt there Is alwaYs the serIoUsness of the wInd.@H_578_1@

There are alwaYs tears that can't be wIped off bY heavY raIn.@H_578_1@

One daY the sUn wIll rIse In an earlY mornIng@H_578_1@

One raInbow two people@H_578_1@

Borrow a Happy land to let hIm@H_578_1@

Borrow hIs ordInarY lIfe@H_578_1@

✨[PInYIn LYrIc]@H_578_1@

Song: jIè@H_578_1@

SInger:máo bù Yì@H_578_1@

jIè Yī zhǎn wǔ Yè jIē tóU hūn hUáng dēng gUāng@H_578_1@

zhào lIàng nà kǎn kě lù shàng rén Yǐng Yī shUāng@H_578_1@

jIè Yī cùn sān jIǔ tIān lǐ lIè lIè nUǎn Yáng@H_578_1@

róng zhè máng máng rén jIān cì gǔ lIáng@H_578_1@

jIè Yī hóng gǔ lǎo hé shUǐ jIǔ qǔ hUí cháng@H_578_1@

I zhe nà Yáo hUǎng zhú hUǒ pIāo wǎng YUǎn fāng@H_578_1@

jIè Yī dUàn wǎng rì XUán lǜ wǎn zhUǎn YōU Yáng@H_578_1@

bǎ zhè bù néng shUō de qīng qīng chàng@H_578_1@

I zhè fēng chUī sàn de rén shUō tā àI dé bù shēn@H_578_1@

I zhè Yǔ lín shī de rén shUō tā bù hUì lěng@H_578_1@

wú bIān Yè sè dào dǐ háI Yào méng zhù dUō shǎo rén@H_578_1@

XIě jìn Yǎn lǐ tā bù gǎn chéng rèn@H_578_1@

jIè Yī mò lín bIé hUáng hūn YōU YōU XIé Yáng@H_578_1@

I zhè màn màn Yú shēng tIān Yī dào gUāng@H_578_1@

jIè Yī jù kè gǔ míng Xīn láI rì fāng zhǎng@H_578_1@

tǎng rUò bù dé bù tIān gè Yī fāng@H_578_1@

I zhè fēng chUī sàn de rén shUō tā àI dé bù shēn@H_578_1@

I zhè Yǔ lín shī de rén shUō tā bù hUì lěng@H_578_1@

wú bIān Yè sè dào dǐ háI Yào méng zhù dUō shǎo rén@H_578_1@

XIě jìn Yǎn lǐ tā bù gǎn chéng rèn@H_578_1@

kě shì ā zǒng YǒU nà fēng chUī bù sàn de rèn zhēn@H_578_1@

zǒng YǒUYǔ Yě bù néng mò qù de lèI hén@H_578_1@

YǒU Yī tIān tàI Yáng hUì shēng qǐ zàIU gè qīng chén@H_578_1@

Yī dào cǎI hóng lIǎng gè rén@H_578_1@

jIè Yī fāng lè tǔ ràng tā róng shēn@H_578_1@

jIè tā píng fán Yī shēng@H_578_1@

感谢 工作室 提供歌词@H_578_1@

感谢 旬 tIng 修正歌词@H_578_1@

