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While My Guitar Gently Weeps

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 莫文蔚 / 莫后年代·20周年巡回演唱会
I look at YoU all see the love there that's sleepIng
WhIle mY gUItar gentlY weeps
I look at the floor and I see It needs sweepIng
StIll mY gUItar gentlY weeps
I Don't know whY noBody told YoU how to Unfold YoUr love
I Don't know how @R_143_1575@ contRolled YoU
TheY boUght and sold YoU
I look at the world and I notIce It's tUrnIng
WhIle mY gUItar gentlY weeps
WIth everY Mistake we mUst sUrelY be learnIng
StIll mY gUItar gentlY weeps

I Don't know how YoU were dIverted
YoU were perverted too
I Don't know how YoU were Inverted
No one alerted YoU
I look at YoU all see the love there that's sleepIng
WhIle mY gUItar gentlY weeps
Look at YoU all
StIll mY gUItar gentlY weeps

StIll mY gUItar gentlY weeps

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