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Every Breath You Take

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 品冠 / Need U Most
EverY breath YoU take and everY move YoU make@H_168_0@ EverY bond YoU break, everY step YoU take@H_168_0@ I'll be watchIng YoU@H_168_0@ EverY sIngle daY and everY word YoU saY@H_168_0@ EverY game YoU Play, everY nIght YoU staY@H_168_0@ I'll be watchIng YoU@H_168_0@ Oh, can't YoU see .YoU belong to me@H_168_0@ How mY poor heart aches wIth everY step YoU take@H_168_0@ EverY move YoU make ,everY vow YoU break@H_168_0@ EverY Smile YoU fake, everY claIm YoU stake@H_168_0@ I'll be watchIng YoU@H_168_0@ SInce YoU've gone I've been lost wIthoUt a trace@H_168_0@ I dream at nIght, I can Only see YoUr face@H_168_0@ I look aroUnd, bUt It's YoU I can't replace@H_168_0@ I feel so cold and I long for YoUr embrace@H_168_0@ I keep crYIng babY, babY @R_216_1989@@H_168_0@ Oh, can't YoU see .YoU belong to me@H_168_0@ How mY poor heart aches wIth everY step YoU take@H_168_0@ EverY move YoU make ,everY vow YoU break@H_168_0@ EverY Smile YoU fake, everY claIm YoU stake@H_168_0@ I'll be watchIng YoU@H_168_0@ EverY breath YoU take, everY move YoU make@H_168_0@ I'll be watchIng YoU@H_168_0@ EverY breath YoU take....

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Seasons in the Sun
Now and Forever