- K歌情人
- Top of the World
- Dancing Queen
- And I Love You So
- The End of the World
- That's Why You Go Away
- Pretty Woman
- Have I Told You Lately
- Seasons in the Sun
- Every Breath You Take
- Now and Forever
- Way back into Love
- Just When I Needed You Most
- 另一种开始
- 多花一点时间疗伤
- 为你专属
- 为你苏醒
- 勿念勿忧
- 言外之意
- 你在哪里------品冠20...
- 现在
- 孩子别忘了我
- 神奇的每一天
- 还好有你
- 无法理解的大人
- 随时都在
- 闯关
- 未拆的礼物
- 当品冠遇见几米
Dancing Queen
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 品冠 / Need U Most
dancIng qUeen
YoU can Dance, YoU can jIve, havIng the tIme of YoUr lIfe
see that gIrl, watch that scene, dIg In the dancIng qUeen
frIdaY nIght and the Lights are Low
lookIng oUt for the place to go
where theY Play the rIght mUsIc, gettIng In the swIng
YoU come In to look for a kIng
anYBody coUld be that gUY
nIght Is YoUng and the mUsIcs hIgh
wIth a bIt of rock mUsIc, everYthIng Is fIne
YoUre In the mood for a Dance
and when YoU get the chance...
YoU are the dancIng qUeen, YoUng and sweet, Only @R_167_2253@teen
dancIng qUeen, feel the beat from the tamboUrIne
YoU can Dance, YoU can jIve, havIng the tIme of YoUr lIfe
see that gIrl, watch that scene, dIg In the dancIng qUeen
YoUre a teaser, YoU tUrn em on
leave them bUrnIng and then YoUre gone
lookIng oUt for another, anYone wIll do
YoUre In the mood for a Dance
and when YoU get the chance...
YoU are the dancIng qUeen, YoUng and sweet, Only @R_167_2253@teen
dancIng qUeen, feel the beat from the tamboUrIne
YoU can Dance, YoU can jIve, havIng the tIme of YoUr lIfe
see that gIrl, watch that scene, dIg In the dancIng qUeen
YoU can Dance, YoU can jIve, havIng the tIme of YoUr lIfe
see that gIrl, watch that scene, dIg In the dancIng qUeen
frIdaY nIght and the Lights are Low
lookIng oUt for the place to go
where theY Play the rIght mUsIc, gettIng In the swIng
YoU come In to look for a kIng
anYBody coUld be that gUY
nIght Is YoUng and the mUsIcs hIgh
wIth a bIt of rock mUsIc, everYthIng Is fIne
YoUre In the mood for a Dance
and when YoU get the chance...
YoU are the dancIng qUeen, YoUng and sweet, Only @R_167_2253@teen
dancIng qUeen, feel the beat from the tamboUrIne
YoU can Dance, YoU can jIve, havIng the tIme of YoUr lIfe
see that gIrl, watch that scene, dIg In the dancIng qUeen
YoUre a teaser, YoU tUrn em on
leave them bUrnIng and then YoUre gone
lookIng oUt for another, anYone wIll do
YoUre In the mood for a Dance
and when YoU get the chance...
YoU are the dancIng qUeen, YoUng and sweet, Only @R_167_2253@teen
dancIng qUeen, feel the beat from the tamboUrIne
YoU can Dance, YoU can jIve, havIng the tIme of YoUr lIfe
see that gIrl, watch that scene, dIg In the dancIng qUeen
《Dancing Queen》歌词由查歌词收集整理
Top of the World下一个歌词
And I Love You So
Top of the World下一个歌词
And I Love You So
- 另一种开始 (《守护神之保险调查》电视剧插曲)
- 多花一点时间疗伤 (《创业时代》电视剧插曲)
- 为你专属 (《凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤》电视剧...
- 为你苏醒 (《脱身》电视剧乔智才主题插曲)
- 勿念勿忧 (《脱身》电视剧兄弟主题插曲)
- 言表
- 等
- 难言之隐
- 陀螺
- 不会哭的人
- 想
- 纯天然
- 如愿以偿
- 戒心伤
- 言外之意
- 独家记忆 + 忽然之间
- 爱 + 当爱已成往事
- 残酷月光 + 失落沙洲
- 我最亲爱的
- 圣诞组曲:Jingle Bells + We Wish You A Merry...
- White Christmas
- 随时都在 + chaser
- 水墨
- 雨过天晴
- 现在你在哪里
- 现在,你在哪里?
- 朋友
- 蜿蜒
- 哄我入睡
- 无可救药 (短版Live)