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I Am In Love

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 沙宝亮 / 暗香
沙宝亮:I Am In Love

There Is a song come from @R_575_1024@.
YoU have been takIng over me.
Make a cUp of tea, sIt apposIte me.
A lIttle candle Light shIne on YoUr face.

ThIs Is the world left YoU and me.
ToUch YoUr Body wIth tenderness.
Take a look at me, a man that YoU need.
The cIrcle of love, I belIeve.

YoU're the sUn that means to me.
I'm readY to make love wIth YoU all nIght long.
YoUr eYes are deep and blUe.
I'm In love wIth YoU.

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1314 (974爱车俱乐部会歌)