Some Hearts Are Diamonds
Somewhere In My Broken Heart
All My Loving
Sometimes When We Touch
Seeing You Again
I'll Never Fall In Love Again
You Are So Vain
歌者2: 逆风行歌
歌者1: 男懂女人心
You Are So Vain
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 邰正宵 / 日久深情
YoU're So VaIn
Artist: CarlY SImon (peak BIllboard posItIon # 1 In 1972-73)
Words and MUsIc bY CarlY SImon
made bY wallYY
YoU walked Into the partY
LIke YoU were walkIng onto a Yacht
YoUr hat strategIcallY dIpped beLow one eYe
YoUr scarf It was aprIcot
YoU had one eYe In the mIrror
As YoU watched YoUrself gavotte
And all the gIrls dreamed that theY'd be YoUr partner
TheY'd be YoUr partner
And YoU're so vaIn
YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
YoU're so vaIn
I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?
YoU had me several Years ago
When I was stIll qUIte naIve
Well, YoU saId that we made sUch a prettY paIr
And that YoU woUld never leave
BUt YoU gave awaY the thIngs YoU loved
And one of them was me
I had some dreams theY were cLouds In mY coffee
CLouds In mY coffee
And YoU're so vaIn
YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
YoU're so vaIn
I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?
I had some dreams theY were cLouds In mY coffee
CLouds In mY coffee
And YoU're so vaIn
YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
YoU're so vaIn
I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?
Well, I hear YoU went Up to Saratoga
And YoUr horse natUrallY won
Then YoU flew YoUr Lear jet Up to Nova ScotIa
To see the total eclIpse of the sUn
Well, YoU're where YoU shoUld be all the tIme
And when YoU're not
YoU're wIth some Underworld spY
or the wIfe of a close frIend
WIfe of a close frIend
And YoU're so vaIn
YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
YoU're so vaIn
I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?
Artist: CarlY SImon (peak BIllboard posItIon # 1 In 1972-73)
Words and MUsIc bY CarlY SImon
made bY wallYY
YoU walked Into the partY
LIke YoU were walkIng onto a Yacht
YoUr hat strategIcallY dIpped beLow one eYe
YoUr scarf It was aprIcot
YoU had one eYe In the mIrror
As YoU watched YoUrself gavotte
And all the gIrls dreamed that theY'd be YoUr partner
TheY'd be YoUr partner
And YoU're so vaIn
YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
YoU're so vaIn
I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?
YoU had me several Years ago
When I was stIll qUIte naIve
Well, YoU saId that we made sUch a prettY paIr
And that YoU woUld never leave
BUt YoU gave awaY the thIngs YoU loved
And one of them was me
I had some dreams theY were cLouds In mY coffee
CLouds In mY coffee
And YoU're so vaIn
YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
YoU're so vaIn
I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?
I had some dreams theY were cLouds In mY coffee
CLouds In mY coffee
And YoU're so vaIn
YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
YoU're so vaIn
I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?
Well, I hear YoU went Up to Saratoga
And YoUr horse natUrallY won
Then YoU flew YoUr Lear jet Up to Nova ScotIa
To see the total eclIpse of the sUn
Well, YoU're where YoU shoUld be all the tIme
And when YoU're not
YoU're wIth some Underworld spY
or the wIfe of a close frIend
WIfe of a close frIend
And YoU're so vaIn
YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
YoU're so vaIn
I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU
Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?
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