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- Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
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Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
NothIng's Gonna Change My Love For YoU
If I had to lIve mY lIfe wIthoUt YoU near me
WIth YoU I see Forever oh so clearlY
I mIght have been In love before
OUr dreams are YoUng and we both know
TheY'll take Us where we want to go
Hold me nowToUch me now
I Don't want to lIve wIthoUt YoU
NothIng's Gonna Change My Love For YoU
YoU oUght to know bY now how mUch I love YoU
I'll never ask for more than YoUr love
NothIng's Gonna Change My Love For YoU
YoU oUght to know bY now how mUch I love YoU
The world maY change mY whole lIfe throUgh
BUt nothIng's Gonna Change My Love For YoU
If the road ahead Is not so easY
OUr love wIll lead the waY for Us
I'll be there for YoU If YoU shoUld need me
YoU don't have to change a thIng
I love YoU jUst the waY YoU are
更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网
So come wIth me and share the vIew
Hold me nowToUch me now
I Don't want to lIve wIthoUt YoU
NothIng's Gonna Change My Love For YoU
YoU oUght to know bY now how mUch I love YoU
I'll never ask for more than YoUr love
NothIng's Gonna Change My Love For YoU
YoU oUght to know bY now how mUch I love YoU
The world maY change mY whole lIfe throUgh
BUt nothIng's Gonna Change My Love For YoU
NothIng's Gonna Change My Love For YoU
YoU oUght to know bY now mUch I love YoU
I'll never ask for more than YoUr love
NothIng's Gonna Change My Love For YoU
YoU oUght to know bY now how mUch I love YoU
The world maY change mY whole lIfe throUgh
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