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The Morning After

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 谭咏麟 /
There's got to be a mornIng after
If we can hold on throUgh the nIght
We have a chance to fInd the sUnshIne
Let's keep on lookIn' for the Light
Oh can't YoU see the mornIng after?
It's waItIng rIght oUtsIde the storm
WhY don't we cross the brIdge Together
And fInd a place that's safe and warm?
It's not too late we shoUld be gIvIng
@R_416_3392@ wIth love can we clImb
It's not too late not whIle we're lIvIng
Let's pUt oUr hands oUt In tIme
There's got to be a mornIng after
We're movIng closer to the shore
I know we'll be there bY Tomorrow
And we'll escape the darkness
We won't be searchIn' anY more

It's not too late we shoUld be gIvIng
@R_416_3392@ wIth love can we clImb
It's not too late not whIle we're lIvIng
Let's pUt oUr hands oUt In tIme
There's got to be a mornIng after
We're movIng closer to the shore
I know we'll be there bY Tomorrow
And we'll escape the darkness
We won't be searchIn' anY more

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