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Dog days are over (Live)

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 田馥甄 / IF Only 如果 田馥甄巡回演唱会LIVE(上)

作词 : Summers/Welch/Florence LeontIne MarY/Isabella Janet FlorentIna

作曲 : Summers/Welch/Florence LeontIne MarY/Isabella Janet FlorentIna

OP:Florence + The MachIne Ltd. / UnIversal MUsIc PUblIshIng Ltd.

SP:UnIversal Ms PUbl Ltd

HappIness hIt her lIke a traIn on a track

ComIng towards her stUck stIll no tUrnIng back

She hId aroUnd corners and she hId Under beds

She kIlled It wIth kIsses and from It she fled

WIth everY bUbble she sank wIth her drInk

And washed It awaY down the kItchen sInk

The dog daYs are over

The dog daYs are done

The horses are comIng

So YoU better rUn

RUn fast for YoUr mother rUn fast for YoUr father

RUn for YoUr chIldren for YoUr sIsters and brothers

Leave all YoUr lovIng YoUr lovIng behInd

YoU can't carrY It well be wIth YoU want to sUrvIve

The dog daYs are over

The dog daYs are done

Can YoU hear the horses

CaUse here theY come

And I never wanted anYthIng from YoU

EXcept everYthIng YoU had

And what was left after that too oh

HappIness hIt her lIke a bUllet In the head

StrUck from a great heIght bY @R_976_1575@

Who shoUld know better than that

The dog daYs are over

The dog daYs are done

Can YoU hear the horses

CaUse here theY come

RUn fast for YoUr mother rUn fast for YoUr father

RUn for YoUr chIldren for YoUr sIsters and brothers

Leave all YoUr lovIng YoUr lovIng behInd

YoU can't carrY It wIth YoU If YoU want to sUrvIve

The dog daYs are over

The dog daYs are done

Can YoU hear the horses

CaUse here theY come

Here theY come

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Love (Live)
魔鬼中的天使+你就不要想起我 (Live)