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Three Little Kittens

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / Twins / Singing In The Twins Wonderland Vol.4
Three lIttle kIttens,@H_316_0@ TheY lost theIr mIttens,@H_316_0@ And theY began to crY,@H_316_0@ Oh, mother dear,@H_316_0@ We sadlY fear@H_316_0@ OUr mIttens we have lost.@H_316_0@ What! Lost YoUr mIttens,@H_316_0@ YoU naUghtY kIttens!@H_316_0@ Then YoU shall have no pIe.@H_316_0@ Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow.@H_316_0@ YoU shall have no pIe.@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ The three lIttle kIttens,@H_316_0@ TheY foUnd theIr mIttens,@H_316_0@ And theY began to crY,@H_316_0@ Oh, mother dear,@H_316_0@ See here, see here,@H_316_0@ OUr mIttens we have foUnd.@H_316_0@ What! FoUnd YoUr mIttens,@H_316_0@ YoU darlIng kIttens!@H_316_0@ Then YoU shall have some pIe.@H_316_0@ Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow.@H_316_0@ YoU shall have some pIe.@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ The three lIttle kIttens,@H_316_0@ PUt on theIr mIttens,@H_316_0@ And soon ate Up the pIe;@H_316_0@ Oh, mother dear,@H_316_0@ We greatlY fear@H_316_0@ OUr mIttens we have soIled.@H_316_0@ What! SoIled YoUr mIttens,@H_316_0@ YoU naUghtY kIttens!@H_316_0@ Then theY began to sIgh,@H_316_0@ Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow.@H_316_0@ TheY began to sIgh.@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ The three lIttle kIttens,@H_316_0@ TheY washed theIr mIttens,@H_316_0@ And hUng them oUt to drY;@H_316_0@ Oh mother dear,@H_316_0@ Look here, look here,@H_316_0@ OUr mIttens we have washed.@H_316_0@ What! Washed YoUr mIttens,@H_316_0@ YoU're sUch good kIttens.@H_316_0@ I smell a rat close bY!@H_316_0@ HUsh! HUsh! HUsh! HUsh!@H_316_0@ HUsh! HUsh! HUsh!@H_316_0@ I smell a rat close bY.

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