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The Water Is Wide

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 王力宏 / 情敌贝多芬
the water Is wIde@H_223_0@ I can't across over@H_223_0@ and neIther have I wIngs to flY@H_223_0@ bUIld me a boat I can carrY two@H_223_0@ and both shall row@H_223_0@ My Love and I @H_223_0@ there Is a shIp and the saIls the sea@H_223_0@ she's loaded deep as deep can be@H_223_0@ bUt not so deep as the love I'm In@H_223_0@ I know not how I sInk or swIm@H_223_0@ oh love Is handsome@H_223_0@ and love Is kInd@H_223_0@ and love Is a folwer when fIrst Is new@H_223_0@ bUt love grows old and was Is cold@H_223_0@ and fades awaY lIke mornIng dew

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