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歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 王力宏 / 好想你
On the fIrst of December@H_161_0@ I was commIssIoned to saIl awaY@H_161_0@ On a shIp that was sInkIng@H_161_0@ FortY nIghts and fortY daYs@H_161_0@ And whIle I went Under@H_161_0@ The tears of a mUrdered land@H_161_0@ Were tUrnIng the earth Into sand@H_161_0@ I'm too cold to be sleepIng@H_161_0@ So I Light Up a candle of regret@H_161_0@ To bUrn the secrets I'm keepIng@H_161_0@ And praY that somedaY I can forget@H_161_0@ The crIes of mY people@H_161_0@ The voIces of doUbt Inside mY head@H_161_0@ I thInk of the thIngs that YoU saId@H_161_0@ Am I alone here@H_161_0@ Are there others lIke me too@H_161_0@ Safe In mY capsUle@H_161_0@ Unable to move@H_161_0@ How long has It been now@H_161_0@ And where wIll thIs joUrneY end?@H_161_0@ WIll It end...Ohhh...Yeah...@H_161_0@ Got the hands of a farmer@H_161_0@ The worlds of a preacher's tongUr@H_161_0@ Got the heart of a saIlor@H_161_0@ To belIeve tIll YoUr work Is done@H_161_0@ I wIll stand In the ocean@H_161_0@ wIth these wooden planks Under mY feet@H_161_0@ I wIll come To Your table@H_161_0@ After mY joUrneY's complete@H_161_0@ I belIeve In the fUtUre@H_161_0@ I can feel the blood Rising In mY veIns@H_161_0@ It's the soUnd of a battle crY@H_161_0@ When Only the echo remaIns@H_161_0@ I wIll serve YoU Forever@H_161_0@ I wIll bUIld YoU a natIon of love@H_161_0@ I'm relYIng on lUck,oh God@H_161_0@ The foUrleaf clover from a dove@H_161_0@ And Isn't It crazY@H_161_0@ For me to start lIfe brand new@H_161_0@ And when I fInd Ararat@H_161_0@ The fIrst thIng that I Do@H_161_0@ strIght across the coUnTry-sIde@H_161_0@ And nap In that sweet Sunlight@H_161_0@ I'll be sIngIng a love song@H_161_0@ For mY, mYdear dear wIfe@H_161_0@ And nap In that sweet Sunlight@H_161_0@ Before the nIght Is over@H_161_0@ I'll be crYIng on YoUr shoUlder@H_161_0@ MY wIld Imagination@H_161_0@ Is keepIng me from losIng patIence@H_161_0@ WhY dId YoU make Us@H_161_0@ Only to tear Us awaY@H_161_0@ WhY have YoU Chosen me@H_161_0@ It was YoUr faUlt anYwaY...

