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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 萧亚轩 / Elva First
maY the Only waY to foget YoU Is to fInd @R_656_1575@ new@H_575_0@ verY fIrst nIght that we ever kIssed@H_575_0@ I felt so dIvIne Summer breeze throUgh and blew mY mInd@H_575_0@ YoUr Smile YoUr stYle YoU took YoUr tIme to show@H_575_0@ now sweet love coUld be for YoUr and me@H_575_0@ what YoU looked at me lIke YoU got nothIng to hIde@H_575_0@ thIngs YoU share wIth me so sIncerelY@H_575_0@ ever YoU got me trIppIn’s shIngIng oh so dream@H_575_0@ * Yes YoU make me Smile In oh so manY waYs@H_575_0@ tUrn me Inside oUt swIth mY mInd Into a Sunny@H_575_0@ everY heartbeat I see My Love grow@H_575_0@ lIke a fLower soft and pUre@H_575_0@ lonelY YesterdaYs raInY holIdaYs@H_575_0@ YoUr love fIlls me Up YoU make thIs world a@H_575_0@ throUgh the seasons of joY and paIn wIll YoU@H_575_0@ babY can I be the one@H_575_0@ mornIng Light caressed mY brand new daY@H_575_0@ as I stepped oUtsIde left YoUr Please to bet mY bUsIness@H_575_0@ It`s boUt tIme for romance YoU make mY heart Dance@H_575_0@ I have wasled too mUch tIme jUst pUggIn’ aroUnd@H_575_0@ Memories fIlled wIth tears and heart breaks@H_575_0@ rIght on tIme YoU came Into mY lIfe@H_575_0@ and now I’m skIppIng sIngIng oh so freelY@H_575_0@ happIness can take over me I’ll shower YoU wIth kIsses@H_575_0@ even If there’s tImes we hIt the groUnd we’ll fInd a@H_575_0@ I am all for YoU babe and I hope that YoU are all for me@H_575_0@ YoU know what@H_575_0@ babY,YoU are the one@H_575_0@ Yes YoU make me Smile In oh so manY waYs@H_575_0@ tUrn me rIght sIde Up swItch mY mInd Into a peacefUl frame@H_575_0@ everY heartbeat I see My Love fLow@H_575_0@ and YoU’re there to receIve It all@H_575_0@ lonelY YesterdaYs raInY holIdaYs@H_575_0@ YoUr love fIlls me Up YoU make thIs world a beaU-tI-fUl@H_575_0@ throUgh the seasons of joY and paIn wIll YoU hold mY hand@H_575_0@ babY can I be the one@H_575_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn


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