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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 萧亚轩 / 爱的主打歌·吻
忽明又忽灭@H_571_0@ 星光闪烁在黑夜@H_571_0@ 好象微弱的讯号@H_571_0@ 找一个了解自己的SOUL@H_571_0@ (Rap)Is mUst be the sIgn of trUe love that l've been lookIng for@H_571_0@ the defIntIon of trUe love knocjIng at mY door@H_571_0@ cUz YoUr toUch got mY heart rIsIn'lIke an escalator@H_571_0@ cUttIn'sIde to sIde,front to back,lIke across fader@H_571_0@ cUz YoUr love babY got me all shook Up@H_571_0@ got me flYIng hIgh gIrl whenever we hook Up@H_571_0@ so can I get a chance to have a word wIth YoU@H_571_0@ 有意无意的出现@H_571_0@ 你的表情很明显@H_571_0@ 故意拉开了距离@H_571_0@ 我只想想看明白@H_571_0@ 等你把放进来@H_571_0@ 就是这一刻现在@H_571_0@ 为什么在人群中@H_571_0@ 只看到你的风采@H_571_0@ 什么都开的年代@H_571_0@ 我的恋爱要 来@H_571_0@ (Rap)tell me babY what YoU need a gentleman Is what I be@H_571_0@ I'll lace YoU wIth a dIamond rIng,make the ear go blIng blIng@H_571_0@ TrIp all across the world jUst becaUse of YoU mY gIrl@H_571_0@ jUst to let the others see everYthIng YoU mean to me@H_571_0@ YoUr stYle It was a dream, Under covers make Ya scream@H_571_0@ bUt In the end gIrl It jUst can't be@H_571_0@ caaUes In the words of Jay-Z I love dem gIrls gIrls gIrls@H_571_0@ 把放进来@H_571_0@ 如果你要谈恋爱@H_571_0@ 什么都快的时代@H_571_0@ 只有爱要来@H_571_0@ 等你把放进来@H_571_0@ 填满我中的空白@H_571_0@ 你的笑话很精彩@H_571_0@ 你的表情很可爱@H_571_0@ 就算老天不排@H_571_0@ 我们找到彼此的存在@H_571_0@ (Rap)Yo elva,the thIngs that YoU saY@H_571_0@ make me wanna stop the world for YoU@H_571_0@ the thIngs that YoU do@H_571_0@ makes anY Playa want to staY trUe, Ya heard hplla@H_571_0@ everY momenr now,let me show YoU how@H_571_0@ where thIs love can lead,all I am all I be@H_571_0@ I'll pUt a nIce Smile on YoUr prettY face@H_571_0@ hald YoU tIght to mY cheest wIht mY warm embrace@H_571_0@ take Yo hand make Ya see make Ya Understand@H_571_0@ at the end of the nIght YoU'll be callIng me YoUr man@H_571_0@ No worrIes gIrl l aIn't aboUt to Play no games wIth YoU@H_571_0@ DaddYAndMothrer l'm aboUt to have a chIld wIth YoU

