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Let It Go

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 萧亚轩 / Elva 2003 Up2U台北演唱会
作曲 Jason LevIne、James McCollUm 作词 姚谦 @H_216_0@ @H_216_0@ (Yah, C'mon)@H_216_0@ (YoU know, I've been thInkIng)@H_216_0@ @H_216_0@ (Well)@H_216_0@ (LIsten Up, LIsten Up)@H_216_0@ @H_216_0@ 你不快乐时候快去找朋友 @H_216_0@ 顾影自怜的人回家当恐 @H_216_0@ 坐在电视前面看得头都痛@H_216_0@ 主动出击的人才会有看头 @H_216_0@ 除了年轻 现在我们什么包袱都没有 @H_216_0@ 除了呼吸 有朋友@H_216_0@ @H_216_0@ oh..追上节奏多自由 @H_216_0@ 烦恼 let It go @H_216_0@ Yeh..不适合的就 saY no @H_216_0@ YoU gotta let It go@H_216_0@ @H_216_0@ [So let me get thIs straIt, @H_216_0@ YoU're saYIng no strIngs attached, no catch.@H_216_0@ (Does It seem that for fetched?) @H_216_0@ Nah, I thInk YoU're, I thInk that love Is@H_216_0@ overratesd, @H_216_0@ Some gIrls are waY to delIcated. @H_216_0@ (BUt some gUYs are too.) @H_216_0@ @H_216_0@ 爱来爱去的情歌听了太久 @H_216_0@ 换个口味来点不一样如何@H_216_0@ @H_216_0@ 只要爱情的年代不流行了 @H_216_0@ 除了爱情有别种可能@H_216_0@ 与其爱得太坎坷 不如痛快当朋友 @H_216_0@ 什么包袱都没有 只要自由 不要骗我@H_216_0@ @H_216_0@ [Well let me tell YoU what I thInk,@H_216_0@ I'll gIve YoU a pIece of mY mInd,@H_216_0@ cUz everYthIng YoU lead me on.@H_216_0@ YoU make me stop on a dIme.@H_216_0@ It's all good If YoUwanna flaUnt It,@H_216_0@ I wanna get Up on It , bUt stop the tease.@H_216_0@ JUst saY Please, If YoU reallY want It,@H_216_0@ cUz we can take It fast or s@R_57_3853@ jUst dont't saY no@H_216_0@ . What are YoU all gettIng crazY for,@H_216_0@ It's eIther do or don't, @H_216_0@ It's eItherwIll or won't, It's rather sImple. @H_216_0@ So cUt the crap c'mon lets get It on.@H_216_0@ BUt If It's another one of those games,@H_216_0@ that YoU're PlayIng and I happen to know. @H_216_0@ Then babe, I'm sorrY, I'm gonna have to let YoU go.]@H_216_0@ @H_216_0@ (BUt there's Players, oUt there, who don't care. If I get hUrt or not, cUz@H_216_0@ I know what's Up. I'm all aboUt feelIng, wanna know I'm dealIng. I had@H_216_0@ enoUgh. I need a men that sends me reelIng.)

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Hip hop Medley: 把心放进来 / I Need A Girl / Dilema / 穿越时空遇见你