滚石香港黄金十年 辛晓...
Winter Light
Love Runs Deep
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 辛晓琪 / 领悟 英文单曲
Was It somethIng In the aIr? SomethIng so rare@H_573_0@
I feel the magIc fLow between Us the moment that we toUch@H_573_0@
It all jUst feel so rIght even In the dark of nIght@H_573_0@
NothIng coUld ever be better than those tImes when we're Together@H_573_0@
YoU lIft me Up when I Fall@H_573_0@
YoU woUld lIsten when I call@H_573_0@
YoU are the rock that I bUIld on@H_573_0@
And lIke YoUr shadow I wIll folLow@H_573_0@
WhIch ever waY YoU woUld lead@H_573_0@
YoU're all that I need@H_573_0@
Forever wIll My Love be strong@H_573_0@
'caUse I know where mY heart belong@H_573_0@
No matter If we fInd oUt somedaY@H_573_0@
It's hard to saY@H_573_0@
Love has Its prIce to paY@H_573_0@
Forever wIll My Love be stroIng@H_573_0@
'caUse I know where mY heart belong@H_573_0@
ThroUgh all the tImes we Smile or weep@H_573_0@
Love rens deep In faIth we keep@H_573_0@
Forever In love...@H_573_0@
A specIal love that we share, love that's so rare@H_573_0@
So let Us Cherish everY moment everY second each daY@H_573_0@
I wIsh tIme woUld stand stIll to help all oUr dreams fUlfIll@H_573_0@
And from now to who knows when mY we be blessed UntIl then@H_573_0@
YoU lIft me Up when I Fall@H_573_0@
YoU woUld lIsten when I call@H_573_0@
YoU are the rock that I bUIld on@H_573_0@
And lIke YoUr shadow I wIll folLow@H_573_0@
WhIch ever waY YoU woUld lead@H_573_0@
YoU're all that I need@H_573_0@
Forever wIll My Love be strong@H_573_0@
'caUse I know where mY heart belong@H_573_0@
No matter If we fInd oUt somedaY@H_573_0@
It's hard to saY@H_573_0@
Love has Its prIce to paY@H_573_0@
Forever wIll My Love be stroIng@H_573_0@
'caUse I know where mY heart belong@H_573_0@
ThroUgh all the tImes we Smile or weep@H_573_0@
Love rens deep In faIth we keep@H_573_0@
Forever wIll My Love be strong@H_573_0@
'caUse I know where mY heart belong@H_573_0@
No matter If we fInd oUt somedaY@H_573_0@
It's hard to saY@H_573_0@
Love has Its prIce to paY@H_573_0@
Forever wIll My Love be stroIng@H_573_0@
'caUse I know where mY heart belong@H_573_0@
ThroUgh all the tImes we Smile or weep@H_573_0@
Love rens deep In faIth we keep@H_573_0@
Forever In love...
《Love Runs Deep》歌词由查歌词收集整理
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