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I'll Be Waiting
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 许冠杰 / 真经典
I'll Be WaItIng-许冠杰
Now I know somewhere there's boUnd to be
A certaIn gIrl who woUld reallY care for me
Some@R_@R_235_3990@_2864@ who wIll be the Only one
To fIll mY lIfe wIth lots of fUn
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
Cos I know Only that to go mY own
And she wIll staY wIth me when I'm all alone
I'm gonna be her Only lovIng man
And treat her as good as I can
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
I won't gIve Up tIll I fInd her
To me she's a prIceless pearl prIceless pearl
I'm gonna be her Only lovIng man
And treat her as good as I can
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
I won't gIve Up tIll I fInd her
To me she's a prIceless pearl prIceless pearl
Now I know somewhere there's boUnd to be
A certaIn gIrl who woUld reallY care for me
Some@R_@R_235_3990@_2864@ who wIll be the Only one
To fIll mY lIfe wIth lots of fUn
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
Now I know somewhere there's boUnd to be
A certaIn gIrl who woUld reallY care for me
Some@R_@R_235_3990@_2864@ who wIll be the Only one
To fIll mY lIfe wIth lots of fUn
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
Cos I know Only that to go mY own
And she wIll staY wIth me when I'm all alone
I'm gonna be her Only lovIng man
And treat her as good as I can
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
I won't gIve Up tIll I fInd her
To me she's a prIceless pearl prIceless pearl
I'm gonna be her Only lovIng man
And treat her as good as I can
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
I won't gIve Up tIll I fInd her
To me she's a prIceless pearl prIceless pearl
Now I know somewhere there's boUnd to be
A certaIn gIrl who woUld reallY care for me
Some@R_@R_235_3990@_2864@ who wIll be the Only one
To fIll mY lIfe wIth lots of fUn
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng I'll be waItIng
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