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Beautiful Inside

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 袁娅维 / T.I.A.
BeaUtIfUl Inside - 袁娅维 / Jay DUb

女:We @R_257_4187@ so hard
JUst don't forget who YoU are
And what's Inside YoUr heart
LIsten It can gUIde YoU
I know so far
The world has made YoU hIde
BUt YoU shoUld know
YoU're beaUtIfUl
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
男:GrowIng Up for these women Is lIke a dIfferent scene
EverYthIng that YoU see aIn't alwaYs what It seems
Images and appearances In the magazInes
And theY and so theY rob YoU of self esteem
It's a fantasY
That YoU wanna lIve
So YoU don't eat
U StarvIng to the rIbs
Get that PlastIc sUrgerY
ToUchUp to the lIps
Or YoU get that tUmmY tUcked
BUt stIll It's not enoUgh
The obsessIon wIth beIng thIn
And beIng prettY caUse wIttY Is never In
AlwaYs based on appearance
Only waY to get clearance to clUbs
Get respect If YoU appear wIth a thUg
AlwaYs do what's eXpected Is the UnderlYIng message
SocIetY's objectIve
Is to keep Us all oppressed wIth
A Lowered self Image
So we do self damage
BUsIness as UsUal
For them
BUt jUst remember that YoU're beaUtIfUl
女:We @R_257_4187@ so hard
JUst don't forget who YoU are
And what's Inside YoUr heart
LIsten It can gUIde YoU
I know so far
The world has made YoU hIde
BUt YoU shoUld know
YoU're beaUtIfUl
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
男:GrowIng Up In these streets as a man Is dIffIcUlt
WhIch waY to go
SometImes the path Is alreadY chose
To be eXposed to Money makIng and takIng oaths
BeIng a gang means gotta maIntaIn
The YoUnger generatIon Is doIng
The same thIng that the older class Is teachIng
TheY jUst hoppIng In the @R_623_1909@
The cross fIre between the caUse and effect
The sYstem that Is broken and the people It affects
BUt stIll I'm wonderIng what's gonna come neXt
The vIolence so apparent
PUttIng pressUre on the parents
To teach another message
The one of self love
CUz Only If YoU have It can YoU share It wIth YoUr clUb
Forgotten Memories of felLowshIp and honor
Replaced wIth bangIng and sellIng that marIjUana on the streets
RUnnIng and dUckIng the polIce
WhIle theY steadY pUrsUIng YoU
@R_257_4187@ to remember that YoU beaUtIfUl
女:We @R_257_4187@ so hard
JUst don't forget who YoU are
And what's Inside YoUr heart
LIsten It can gUIde YoU
I know so far
The world has made YoU hIde
BUt YoU shoUld know
YoU're beaUtIfUl
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
Never let them tell YoU what YoU can't do
Never let them tell YoU what YoU won't do
When theY hatIng tell them thank YoU
SomeBody else Is gonna want YoU
Never let them tell YoU what YoU can't do
Never let them tell YoU what YoU won't do
When theY hatIng tell them thank YoU
SomeBody else Is gonna want YoU

SomeBody else Is gonna want YoU
We @R_257_4187@ so hard
JUst don't forget who YoU are
And what's Inside YoUr heart
LIsten It can gUIde YoU
I know so far
The world has made YoU hIde
BUt YoU shoUld know
YoU're beaUtIfUl
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside
YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside

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Soul Food, So Good