- 冤家
- 千娇百美
- 红蝴蝶
- 玻璃之情
- 夜有所梦
- 月亮代表我的心
- 洁身自爱
- 梦到内河
- Tonight And Forever
- 至少还有你 (00 Live)
- 热情的沙漠 (00 Live)
- 我的心里没有他 (00 Live)
- 没有爱
- 大热
- 我 (国)
- 枕头
- 路过蜻蜓
- 春夏秋冬
- 小明星
- 陪你倒数
- 继续张国荣
- 哥哥的歌
- Legend Continues
- 继续宠爱‧十年‧音乐...
- Miss You Much
- ReImagine Lesile Che...
- ReImagine Leslie Che...
- Leslie Cheung Four S...
- I Am What I Am
- 最热
- 最红
- 永远的张国荣
- 戏魅
- 张国荣电影歌集
- Leslie Super Remix
- 钟情张国荣
Thank You
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张国荣 / Miss You Much
here's a peacefUl easY feelIng
BLowIng softlY thrU the trees
WhIch welcomes In the mornIng Light
That shInes for me to see
And It takes me past mY sorrow
And keeps me from the raIn
For all these thIngs I'd lIke to Thank YoU once agaIn
There's a staIrwaY In the moUntaIns
And It leads Up to The Stars
And stars can move the cLouds awaY
And keep me from the dark
And when I feel alone and lost
TheY'll show me the waY
For all these thIngs I'd lIke to thank YoU once agaIn
Thank YoU for the love
That's rIght here In thIs song
Thank YoU for mY dreams
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me
We seldom stop to thInk that
We have travelled verY far
Seen and heard a mIllIon thIngs Even wIshed Upon a star
Cared for all the close frIends
Who have passed along the waY
For all these thIngs and more Thank YoU once agaIn
Thank YoU for the love
That's rIght here In thIs song
Thank YoU for mY dreams
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me
Thank YoU for the love
That's rIght here In thIs song
Thank YoU for mY dreams
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me
Thank YoU for the love
That's rIght here In thIs song
Thank YoU for mY dreams
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me
Thank YoU for the love
That's rIght here In thIs song
Thank YoU for mY dreams
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me
BLowIng softlY thrU the trees
WhIch welcomes In the mornIng Light
That shInes for me to see
And It takes me past mY sorrow
And keeps me from the raIn
For all these thIngs I'd lIke to Thank YoU once agaIn
There's a staIrwaY In the moUntaIns
And It leads Up to The Stars
And stars can move the cLouds awaY
And keep me from the dark
And when I feel alone and lost
TheY'll show me the waY
For all these thIngs I'd lIke to thank YoU once agaIn
Thank YoU for the love
That's rIght here In thIs song
Thank YoU for mY dreams
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me
We seldom stop to thInk that
We have travelled verY far
Seen and heard a mIllIon thIngs Even wIshed Upon a star
Cared for all the close frIends
Who have passed along the waY
For all these thIngs and more Thank YoU once agaIn
Thank YoU for the love
That's rIght here In thIs song
Thank YoU for mY dreams
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me
Thank YoU for the love
That's rIght here In thIs song
Thank YoU for mY dreams
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me
Thank YoU for the love
That's rIght here In thIs song
Thank YoU for mY dreams
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me
Thank YoU for the love
That's rIght here In thIs song
Thank YoU for mY dreams
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me
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