- 身体语言
- 这该死的爱
- Take it like a Man
- 如果爱下去
- Can't take it back
- 个人秘密
- 想你,零点零一分
- 木脑壳
- Girl of your dreams
- Midnight Goodnight
- 不惜时光(单曲)
- 暗恋(单曲)
- 永生永爱(单曲)
- 天堂旅行团(单曲)
- 最可爱的人(单曲)
- 无忘(单曲)
- 女儿国(单曲)
- 越爱(单曲)
- 她(单曲)
- 绽放美妙惊喜
- U&I
- 越爱
- 千百度
- Dear Jane II
- 电视剧 有翡
- 致我们终将逝去的青春...
Take it like a Man
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张靓颖 / The One
@H_816_0@张靓颖@H_816_0@Take It lIke a Man@H_816_0@作词:TobY Gad/KellY LevesqUe/StefanI Saraco@H_816_0@作曲:TobY Gad/KellY LevesqUe/StefanI Saraco@H_816_0@YoU alwaYs mInd what I saY@H_816_0@bUt I saY what's on mY mInd@H_816_0@alwaYs complaIn aboUt My Love@H_816_0@bUt I thInk YoU jUst love to complaIn@H_816_0@Please don't act apologetIc@H_816_0@boY YoU look so pathetIc@H_816_0@now that everYthIng's @R_457_2955@Ing apart@H_816_0@shoUld've stopped for jUst a mInUte@H_816_0@before YoU pUshed me to the lImIt@H_816_0@now It's too late to wIn back mY heart@H_816_0@I bet YoU wIsh YoU coUld take It all back@H_816_0@shoUld've seen thIs Is comIng@H_816_0@YoU never thoUght that I reallY had@H_816_0@power of a woman@H_816_0@shoUld have loved what YoU had as mUch as YoU saId@H_816_0@Instead of Try to change who I am@H_816_0@now jUst take It lIke a man@H_816_0@YoU never let me be me so I jUst went along@H_816_0@I jUst went along@H_816_0@YoU left me when I was weak@H_816_0@bUt now that I am strong@H_816_0@I Don't care what YoU thInk@H_816_0@I Don't care what YoU saY@H_816_0@and I am gonna do thIngs mY waY@H_816_0@and I'm here to let YoU know@H_816_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_816_0@that YoU gotta let It go@H_816_0@there aIn't no waY I gonna staY@H_816_0@I bet YoU wIsh YoU coUld take It all back@H_816_0@shoUld've seen thIs Is comIng@H_816_0@YoU never thoUght that I reallY had@H_816_0@power of a woman@H_816_0@shoUld have loved what YoU had as mUch as YoU saId@H_816_0@Instead of Try to change who I am@H_816_0@now jUst take It lIke a man@H_816_0@jUst take It lIke a man@H_816_0@seems YoU have the mIsconceptIon@H_816_0@love's jUst phYsIcal attractIon@H_816_0@never care to know what I'm all aboUt@H_816_0@YoU had everY chance to show me@H_816_0@that YoU meant the thIngs YoU told me@H_816_0@and I wonder If anYthIng was trUe,Yeah~~~@H_816_0@I bet YoU wIsh YoU coUld take It all back@H_816_0@shoUld've seen thIs Is comIng@H_816_0@YoU never thoUght that I reallY had@H_816_0@power of a woman@H_816_0@shoUld have loved what YoU had as mUch as YoU saId@H_816_0@Instead of Try to change who I am@H_816_0@now jUst take It lIke a man@H_816_0@jUst take It lIke a man@H_816_0@the power of woman@H_816_0@jUst take It lIke a man
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