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Sunshine Alike
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张靓颖 / 张靓颖@音乐
DIsappearIng throUgh and endless
LIke a shootIng star splItted the nIght
I'm flYIng to be free passed the cLouds
SearchIng for YoU and trace above the halo
of the street lamps
Do not crY
更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网
DIsappearIng throUgh and endless
LIke a shootIng star splItted the nIght
I'm flYIng to be free passed the cLouds
SearchIng for YoU and trace above the halo
of the street lamps
Do not crY
《Sunshine Alike》歌词由查歌词收集整理