- 不惜时光(单曲)
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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张靓颖 / BATTLE FIELD
作词:JosIah 'JoJo' MartIn、Jane Zhang张靓颖
作曲:KIng Logan, PaUl 'P.J.' Morton
I can't gIve YoU what YoU need @R_357_1788@
That I got less than what I bargaIned for
So If what YoU feel Is no longer real
If YoU're UnsUre, no more back and forth
YoU can be honest If I'm fIghtIng on mY own
更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网
I can't lIve If I'm on thIs battlefIeld alone
MaYbe I'm not as toUgh, as I Used to be
I woUld rather YoU jUst set me free
So If what YoU feel Is no longer real
If YoU're UnsUre, no more back and forth
YoU can be honest If I'm fIghtIng on mY own
I can't lIve If I'm on thIs battlefIeld alone
BattlefIeld alone
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