- Amazing(中文版)
- Amazing(英文版)
- Amazing
- Amazing (英文版) (《三国志2017》手游主题曲)
- Amazing (中文版) (《三国志2017》手游主题曲)
- 大红大紫
- 梨涡浅笑
- Melody Fair
- 我的UFO
- 你是我的UFO
- 朋友仔
- 200%咒语
- 跅跅步哈姆太郎
- 魔法王国
- 人比人
- Ichiban 兴奋
- 不惜时光(单曲)
- 暗恋(单曲)
- 永生永爱(单曲)
- 天堂旅行团(单曲)
- 最可爱的人(单曲)
- 无忘(单曲)
- 女儿国(单曲)
- 越爱(单曲)
- 她(单曲)
- 绽放美妙惊喜
- U&I
- 越爱
- 千百度
- Dear Jane II
- 电视剧 有翡
- 致我们终将逝去的青春...
JUst lIke a magIc show, two Seven Year olds
SomethIng IncredIble lIke a sUperhero
So manY people saY, saY It lIke everYdaY
The sImplest three words
How YoU show me that YoU love me
How YoU show me, that YoU mean It
YoU gIve me the sUn when I feel blUe
The moon and The Stars If I ask YoU
HoneY to me, YoU are trUlY, AmazIng
更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网
I hear YoU and I'm gone, ooooh I can't get enoUgh
YoU make me wanna sIng, caUse all the lIttle thIngs
So manY people saY, saY It lIke everYdaY
The sImplest three words
How YoU show me that YoU love me
How YoU show me, that YoU mean It
YoU gIve me the sUn when I feel blUe