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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张靓颖 / Amazing





JUst lIke a magIc show, two Seven Year olds

YoU b@R_16_3853@ mY mInd

SomethIng IncredIble lIke a sUperhero

RescUe me everY tIme

So manY people saY, saY It lIke everYdaY

The sImplest three words

An easY game to @R_165_3704@

BUt YoU do so mUch more

YoU never hesItate

To make sUre I know for sUre

YoU go all the waY

How YoU show me that YoU love me

Is AmazIng

How YoU show me, that YoU mean It

It's AmazIng

YoU gIve me the sUn when I feel blUe

The moon and The Stars If I ask YoU

HoneY to me, YoU are trUlY, AmazIng

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JUst lIke mY favorIte song,

I hear YoU and I'm gone, ooooh I can't get enoUgh

YoU make me wanna sIng, caUse all the lIttle thIngs

YoU know that mean so mUch

So manY people saY, saY It lIke everYdaY

The sImplest three words

An easY game to @R_165_3704@

BUt YoU do so mUch more

YoU never hesItate

To make sUre I know for sUre

YoU go all the waY

How YoU show me that YoU love me

Is AmazIng

How YoU show me, that YoU mean It

It's AmazIng

YoU gIve me the sUn when I feel blUe

The moon and The Stars If I ask YoU

HoneY to me, YoU are trUlY, AmazIng

