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The Color Of The Night

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张信哲 / 夜色
the color of the nIght
wrItten bY jUd j.frIedman/laUren chrIstY/domInIc frontIere

YoU and I movIng In the dark
bodIes close bUt soUls apart
shadowed Smiles and secrets Unrevealed
I need to know the waY YoU feel

I'll gIve YoU everYthIng I am
and everYthIng I want to be
I'll pUt It In YoUr hands
If YoU coUld open Up to me oh
can't we ever get beYond thIs wall
'caUse all I want Is jUst once
to see YoU In the Light
bUt YoU hIde behInd
the color of the nIght

I can't go on rUnnIng from the past
love has torn awaY thIs mask
and now lIke cLouds, lIke raIn
I'm drownIng and I blame It all on YoU
I'm lost, god save me

(Un...........the color of the nIght Yeah...)

everYthIng I am
and everYthIng I want to be YoUr
can't we ever get beYond thIs wall
caUse all I want Is jUst once
@R_423_1850@ and agaIn
I'm waItIng for YoU, I'm standIng In the Light
bUt YoU hIde behInd the color of the nIght

Please come oUt from
the color of the nIght

the end

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