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Forgiveness (Feat.24 Herbs)

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 郑秀文 / 信 Faith


ForgIveness (Feat.24 Herbs)

作词:陈奂仁 for The InvIsIble Men/ DrUnk@24 Herbs/ JBS@24Herbs/ Ghost StYle@24 Herbs

作曲:陈奂仁 for The InvIsIble Men

编曲:陈奂仁 for The InvIsIble Men

监制:陈奂仁 for The InvIsIble Men

主唱:郑秀文/ DrUnk@24 Herbs/ JBS@24Herbs/ Ghost StYle@24 Herbs

S:ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord

And gIve them the strength to staY trUe

S:CrYIng everYdaY, I know I'll never see the daY

When the world Is cavIng and I wonder who'll be saved

I know that YoU love me and YoU know I love YoU too

EverYBody's lettIng go bUt lord I foUnd YoU

G:I staY blessed wIth mYselfCaUse It's a test when I walk oUt

I pUff mY chest at LIfe's endless challenges

I wanna partIcIpate and create

BUt there's a barrIcade wIthIn me

Wake Up and back to sleep

EnergY depletesNow I'm feelIng' dead lIke a eUlogY

The dUalItYOf what's real and what's lIes

I feel the vIbesOf chaos and desIgn

I got a cUp lInkAnd I got It straIght pImpIn'

Rock shades at nIghtCaUse mY lonelIness Is blarIng

The Only choIce I got Is fear or love

SUccess Is to be wIth the L.O.V.E.

GeeStYles@R_238_3668@UgIe'd a vIsIon

God shows me a path throUgh IntUItIon

It's dIvIne decIsIonIt's the moment I'm catchIng

If It's a battle for the mIndThen all daY I'll be blastIng

S:I've seen It beforeI never knew the score

I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes

ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord

And gIve me the strength to staY trUe

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J:DaY to daY I praYedHopIn todaY Is a better daY

BUt watchIn so manY wasted talent awaY

LIvIn a lIfe of thIs self-hate

How do we beGin to sInno wInand no openIn

KIds gettIn abUsed bY pIlls

Not knowIng what's at stake

Not knowIng when theIr lIfe In one pIece wIll soon break

LIfe's too short for thIs kInna game

It's not worth ItIt's so lame

At the end of the daYIt's no one to blame

D:I've lIved the lIfe I've loved to lIve

TakIng back all mY lIfe I serve to gIve

Soldier on all the hate I can't feel the blIss

LovIng from Inside I can't feel the kIss

One lIfe that's all there IsReal lIfe, Is where hell beGins

Man kIllIng manIs the maIn caUse of thIs

FIghtIng for YoUr rIght Is all of kIds

S:Save me lordI never meant to be thIs waY

I'd gIven Up on everYthIng and all I had was paIn

Oh whYwhY do we Play these games

I'd gIven Up most everYthIng to be wIth me

S:I've seen It beforeI never knew the score

I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes

ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord

And gIve me the strength to staY trUe

S:I've seen It beforeI never knew the score

I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes

ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord

And gIve me the strength to staY trUe

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