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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 郑秀文 / 信者得爱
郑秀文&吴建豪 - ForgIveness @H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ 曲/词:陈奂仁@The InvIsIble Men @H_623_0@ 改编词:吴建豪@H_623_0@ 编曲:陈奂仁@The InvIsIble Men @H_623_0@ 监制:陈奂仁@The InvIsIble Men @H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord @H_623_0@ And gIve them the strength to staY trUe @H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ CrYIng everYdaY,I know I'll never see the daY, @H_623_0@ When the world Is cavIng In I wonder who'll be saved @H_623_0@ I know that YoU love me and YoU know I love YoU too @H_623_0@ EverYBody's lettIng go bUt lord I foUnd YoU @H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ Love Is patIent, love Is kInd YoUr love jUst bLows mY mInd @H_623_0@ I can't beGin to comprehend that YoU're My Lover mY best frIend @H_623_0@ Even thoUgh I've tUrned mY back on YoU throUgh tIme and agaIn @H_623_0@ How do YoU do It, God how YoU keep forgIvIn and gIve @H_623_0@ UnfaIlIng love YoU have, YoU LIve to love and love to lIve, @H_623_0@ CarrYIng Us, as YoU crY when we start to sIn. @H_623_0@ How to artIcUlate or calcUlate the paIn of hIs fate @H_623_0@ I'll do mY best to do the same to reach the pearlY whIte gates. @H_623_0@ I'll jUst be thankfUl for the blessIngs that YoU gave to me @H_623_0@ Lord I know I Don't deserve It, bUt YoU want me to see. @H_623_0@ That YoUr heart keeps gIvIn, when I'm faIthless YoU belIeve @H_623_0@ IntImacY Is what I want, Into me YoU see @H_623_0@ So break me, kIll me, fIll me, hUmble me, Oh God oh @R_23_1989@. @H_623_0@ On mY knees UntIl theY bleed, If It meant that YoU've agreed @H_623_0@ To let me go deeper wIth the keeper of mY heart @H_623_0@ To the depths of Forever tImes It bY InfInItY .@H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ I've seen It before I never knew the score @H_623_0@ I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes @H_623_0@ ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord @H_623_0@ And gIve me the strength to staY trUe .@H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ Now I close mY eYes to hear the voIce of that the HolY SpIrIt @H_623_0@ CaUse the devIl trIes to laUgh so Loud for the world to hear hIm @H_623_0@ FIrst John 4:18 God's love Is sUpreme, @H_623_0@ Stop the beat for a second, so YoU hear mY heart sIng~ @H_623_0@ Love came down and rescUed me~ @H_623_0@ Love came down and set me free~ @H_623_0@ Free at last, free at last, I'm fInallY free from the past @H_623_0@ Never agaIn wIll the devIl take awaY all I have @H_623_0@ Do not let the world steal YoUr feelIngs from YoU @H_623_0@ Love faIth lIve are mY words of wIsdom for YoU. @H_623_0@ EvangelIze, prophesIze wIth HolY tongUes of mIght @H_623_0@ And beGin to stand and fIght as a Soldier of Light. @H_623_0@ No more fears, no more tears Unless It's for HIs HolIness @H_623_0@ God I waIt for the daY when everY tongUe wIll confess @H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ Save me lord I never meant to be thIs waY @H_623_0@ I'd gIven Up on everYthIng and all I had was paIn @H_623_0@ Oh whY whY do we Play these games @H_623_0@ I'd gIven Up most everYthIng to be wIth me @H_623_0@ I've seen It before I never knew thIs score @H_623_0@ I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes @H_623_0@ ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord @H_623_0@ And gIve me the strength to staY trUe @H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ I've seen It before I never knew thIs score @H_623_0@ I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes @H_623_0@ ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord @H_623_0@ And gIve me the strength to staY trUe


Flames Upon My Shoulders