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Darken Sun

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 周华健 / Sad Without You
专辑/周华健《Sad WIthoUt YoU》@H_231_0@ 编辑/酷狗@H_231_0@ @H_231_0@ A darkened sUn,a cLoudY skY,an emptY heart@H_231_0@ It's over now,wIth some regrets@H_231_0@ LIvIng for oUr past Memories@H_231_0@ YoUr changIng Smile @H_231_0@ And shInIng eYes,made me a kIng@H_231_0@ And crownless now,standIng alone@H_231_0@ HearIng YoU crY for YoUr lIbertY@H_231_0@ A darkened sUn A crownless kIng@H_231_0@ A fadIng hope,Mistaken waY,a foolIsh man@H_231_0@ BUt now I hear,I trUlY hear@H_231_0@ The sUn mIght shIne@H_231_0@ The skY coUld gLow,oUr hearts woUld sIng@H_231_0@ If oUr love coUld be@H_231_0@ PUre lovelY and free@H_231_0@ The skY wIll gLow, oUr hearts wIll sIng@H_231_0@ @H_231_0@ Now YoU hear,as I'd hoped YoU woUld@H_231_0@ When I tore Up the whIte page@H_231_0@ The letter fUll of emptY words YoU gave me@H_231_0@ I knew one daY YoU'd know@H_231_0@ YoU'd reallY know@H_231_0@ That @R_164_3668@n't need a kIng and crazY promIses

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How Can I Believe
Sad Without You