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Call Me

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 周华健 / Forever Young不朽年华英文精选集
原唱:DennIs De YoUng

RaIn began to Fall softlY as she gazed aroUnd the room.
Even now she wondered what went wrong.
A letter In her hand trembled as she placed It bY the phone.
All at once there were footsteps bY the door.
She dIdn't want a confrontatIon to tear them apart.
She wasn't sUre of all the feelIng's racIng throUgh her heart.

I looked Into her eYes knowIng somethIng wasn't rIght.
And sUddenlY the tears began to show.
Babe, I know that It's wrong.
BUt YoU know I'm reallY not that strong.
How I wIsh I coUld tell YoU that I am.
BUt before I even read thIs letter, I want YoU to staY.
BUt If I see YoUr mInd's made Up,
there's one thIng I've got to saY.
YoU can call me, babY, If YoU ever change YoUr mInd.
BelIeve me when I saY To You, anYtIme wIll be alrIght.
YoU can call me. Only Seven nUmbers on the phone.
MaYbe we can talk thIngs over.
YoU're never that far from home.
Oh no, no, babY YoU're not alone.

Another season. Another change.
Two hearts are breakIng wIth no one to blame.
I know the @R_523_2052@s YoU want to go.
BUt If YoU fInd that YoU stIll want me,
there's one thIng that YoU shoUld know.
YoU can call me, babY, If YoU ever change YoUr mInd.
BelIeve me when I saY To You, anYtIme wIll be alrIght.
YoU can call me. Only Seven nUmbers on the phone.
MaYbe we can talk thIngs over.
YoU're never that far from home. Oh no, no, woo, woo

YoU can call me, babY, If YoU ever change YoUr mInd.
BelIeve me when I saY To You, anYtIme wIll be alrIght.
YoU can call me. Only Seven nUmbers on the phone.
MaYbe we can talk thIngs over.
YoU're never that far from home. Oh no, no, woo, woo
YoU can call me, babY, If YoU ever change YoUr mInd.

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Sometimes When We Touch
Forever Young